Friday, September 11, 2009

Early morning ponderings

As I sit writing in the early morning hours at my computer

I look out the window and see my neighbor, coffee cup in hand,

Walking around in his white gym socks, no shoes.

Surveying his acreage, or looking for the cat?

Thinking about the day, the lawn, the state of the world?

After a time, he walks by his American flag and closes his front gate.


What will the day bring?

We both wonder to ourselves.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Hey it's good to be back home again!

Thank you John Denver.....just got back a week ago from a five week driving trip with my husband driving form San Diego to Alaska and back. We put over 9,000 miles on the car, and saw a lot of wonderful countyside. If you'd like to read about the WHOLE experience, look at our blog at

It was clear that there are stories, stories, and storytellers where ever you go. During the next months, I will be digesting the tales and seeing how they will come into my storytelling bag of tricks.

In the meantime, inspired by Julie and Julia, I am ready to embark on a new blog. Welcome to Glad to have you onboard.