Monday, July 25, 2011

Goodbye Borders Book Store

I got a lot of my very first storytelling opportunities telling stories at this Borders bookstore. I did a preschool storytime every Tuesday at noon for a couple of years....and they paid me in $40 Borders gift certificates....I bought a lot of books there. Built my basic storytelling library and told a LOT of stories. Very sad to see it close. (Even though they haven't hired storytellers there for YEARS!) I'll miss you, Borders!

Yaking and Yarning

The South Coast Storytellers Guild has done this series every year for the past five years. Guild members share song and stories
Sundays: July 10, 17th, and 24th, 2011, 4:00-5:30pm.
Heritage Hill Historical Park, 25151 Serrano Road, Lake Forest, CA
949-923-2230 or 949-923-2232
714-482-9843 or Linda King Pruitt at
Cost: Free

This year I was able to participate on July 10th and the 24th. Getting to tell stories in this fabulous outdoor setting in Orange County CA is such a treat. Thanks to Linda King Pruitt and her husband Bob Pruitt for doing the organizing, hauling all of the equipment and holding down the fort for all of these years. Thanks to the Orange County Park Service for allowing us to do the concerts this year at no cost to the public. Getting to tell stories with old friends is always a joy!